Terry once said that the last month has been nothing but eat, run, sleep, eat, run, sleep. We can imagine that the past couple of days of rest have been a nice break and we are positive that he is looking forward to tomorrow morning when he runs into Mile Zero at 9:00 am and then at 9:30 am begins his last 5 km, ending up at South Park Elementary School field.
Any and all supporters of Terry and the KidStart Run are invited to head down to South Park Elementary School to give a warm welcome to Terry and his supporting runners. What a momentous day tomorrow will be! 26 days and 600 km! You can do it Terry - we never had any doubt!
The John Howard Society of North Island was so lucky to have had you as a mentor in the KidStart program and we are honoured that you have continued to support KidStart in such an amazing way!
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